Anger in it’s varying degrees is constantly in the media at the present.

  • Anger in personal relationships (James Kerr and Matthew Johnstone, the Daily Mail)
  • The independent reporting the betrayal felt by domestic violence victims on the 3 March (Financial constraints means the closing of sheltered accommodation for DV victims).
  • Sky news highlights the proposed ‘trial’ that will allow Men and women to be given the right to ask police if their partner has a history of domestic violence.

60% of attendees to our programmes recognise that their anger stems from their personal relationships – either with partners or children 20% directly relate their stress to professional relationships 90% of those receiving treatment reported having being bullied at some stage and have gone on to victimise others 95% of those in attendance suffer from shame disorders where they believe that something is wrong with themselves – or, in simpler terms, that they are broken

There is no doubt that these statistics are bleak, demonstrating what a huge concern anger and stress are in the UK and what a large percentage of our population these disorders are affecting.

Things are looking very scary out there, but hope is at hand if you are living on the South Coast.   “Beating Anger Portsmouth” BAAM’s local clinic  are offering free Taster Sessions throughout April to support anyone suffering from anger related issues. I am passionate about helping people whose lives are affected by anger, please contact me as soon as possible to discuss how I can help you. (Lorraine 0345 5054850)
