The British association is proud to share news of our most recent award ‘Best Mental Health NPO 2018’ within the UK Excellence awards 2018.
Anger Programmes
Stress Programmes
Mindfulness Retreats
Training Programmes

A 7 day retreat in Malaga
This one week retreat in the mountains 20 miles from Malaga allows you to experience over a period of seven days of understand, gaining insight and learning to slow down, relax, experience peace but also understand why chasing your own tail is driven by your need for approval, control and love.
- Experience 90%
- Facilities 70%
- Venue 90%
- Therapies 80%
- Surroundings 90%
Previous Clients

Free eBooks from A2Z EQ
Anger is an emotion related to one’s psychological interpretation of having been offended, wronged, or denied and a tendency to react through retaliation. Mike Fisher describes anger as a normal emotion that involves a strong uncomfortable and emotional response to a perceived provocation.
A2Z of Stress
Stress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure. Pressure turns into stress when you feel unable to cope. People have different ways of reacting to stress, so a situation that feels stressful to one person may be motivating to someone else. Many of life’s demands can cause stress, particularly work, relationships and money problems.
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