Free Shame Test

Some English words associated to this feeling are dishonour, humiliation and remorse.
[LDAdvQuiz 3]

Recent Blog Posts

Blog posts relating to anger and related issues

Fatigue, Stress and Irritability

Fatigue, Stress and Irritability

    You should be able to feel refreshed and revitalised after a decent nights sleep, being able to work the whole day without agitation. After a long hard day at work it is natural to feel tired but in a pleasant way, especially if your job has high job...

Stressed Out Kids At School

The headline promises, ‘Michael Gove, Education Secretary, has raised the possibility of longer school hours and shorter holidays.’ “Hooray,” you would expect parents to yell, “no more kids getting under our feet,” but what about the kids?Has anyone asked how the kids...

If you are in need of help for your stress, get in touch!

If you are in need of some help for your stress call us on 0345 1300 286 or send us a message using our contact page. If you find that your stress is costing you too much in terms of your family, career and health, then perhaps it’s time you examine it by booking onto one of our programmes.
