We know you’ll be amazed by just how much you’ll learn. Educate. Inform. Transform.
Webinar Dates
Date TBC :
Beating Stress – Remain positive under pressure – £9.75
Presented by Mike Fisher. Register interest
Date TBC :
Mindful or Mindfull – Managing Anger by being Mindful – £9.75
Presented by Mike Fisher. Register interest
Date TBC :
June Managing Shame- £9.75
Presented by Mike Fisher. Register interest
Date TBC :
Beating Anger – Aggression prevention training – £9.75
Presented by Mike Fisher. Register interest
Date TBC :
Increasing Self esteem – £9.75
Presented by Mike Fisher. Register interest
Britain’s leading anger and stress guru, Mike Fisher, will be running a series of 60-minute webinars during March and April.
Mindful or Mindfull – Managing Anger by being Mindful
Date: TBC
Price: £9.75
Details: This webinar will explore how you can use mindfulness practises to deal with anger and anxiety. Do you find it difficult to be present in your life, lack concentration, generally experience high levels of stress and anger, are constantly high-jacked by overwhelming thoughts and feelings? Then this webinar will help you to make changes to improve the quality of your life.
Beating Anger – Aggression prevention training
Date: TBC
Price: £9.75
Details: This webinar is for anyone interested in exploring and understanding their anger, as well as discovering the necessary tools to safely manage and transform their anger. You will develop an accurate profile of your own anger giving you valuable information and insight into what triggers your reactions and what you can do about it.
Beating Stress – Remain positive under pressure
Date: TBC
Price: £9.75
Details: This webinar will help you to recognise how dealing with your stress practically, will reduce suffering in your life. Anyone that recognises the relationship between stress and conflict will understand that managing stress is a preventative step to managing your anger. This webinar will show you how and why.
Mike Fishers Books
It was a time to raise a glass in the office when it was discovered that Mikes book – Beating Anger, was featured in the Times lifestyle section on Saturday.
Written over 8 years ago, Beating Anger has been shortlisted as one of the top 15 self help books of all time by Cecillia d’Felice, a leading psychologist. Check out the article in the Sunday Times newspaper!
Buy Mike Fisher’s Books on Amazon Online
Beating Anger | Mindfulness & the Art of Managing Anger
Beating Anger | Mindfulness & the Art of Managing Anger
Recent Blog Posts
Blog posts relating to anger and related issues
Mad About Miscommunication
Miscommunication or crossed-wires can cause anger. This is because we as humans do not like to feel like we are misunderstood. However, it is very important to look at the other person’s perspective in any given situation. It may be that you need to...
Why parents are getting angrier: ‘Children are bored out of their skulls with real life’
“It’s hard to know the difference between parenting and bullying,” admits Matt, father of two and one of a growing number of parents seeking help to control what they see as unacceptable levels of anger towards their children. Matt is an articulate and...
Mind Your Mindset: LET IT GO
"Every day we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stressed or offended. But what you're doing when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside yourself power over your happiness. You can choose to not let little things upset...