Mad About Miscommunication

Mad About Miscommunication

    Miscommunication or crossed-wires can cause anger. This is because we as humans do not like to feel like we are misunderstood. However, it is very important to look at the other person’s perspective in any given situation. It may be that you need to...
Mind Your Mindset: LET IT GO

Mind Your Mindset: LET IT GO

    “Every day we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stressed or offended. But what you’re doing when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside yourself power over your happiness. You can choose to not let little...
Britain is Getting Angrier

Britain is Getting Angrier

    Britain is getting angrier. Which is not surprising as our media seems to encourage violence. We, as a society, have welcomed violence and aggression into our home in the form of DVDs, social media content and video games, where the reoccurring theme is...
Abandonment and Anger

Abandonment and Anger

    If you suffer from anger issues, it could be due to the rage that you feel from being abandoned. This anger has the goal of revenge on everyone in the surrounding world because your physical and emotional needs were not met. This anger wants to inflict...