Free Stress Test

Take the free stress test and let us know how you get on

According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), in 2011/12, 428,000 people in the UK reported work-related stress at a level they believed was making them ill.

That’s 40% of all work-related illness. Stress doesn’t just affect our mental state. Our physical health is linked to our psychological state and suffers too, with symptoms including insomnia, breathlessness, loss of appetite, chest pains, body tension and back pain.

Anxiety and depression, often linked to stress, are behind one in five visits to a GP.

Take our 5 minute FREE online Stress Test and find out how your stress levels measure up. You will be asked 40 multiple choice questions which will take approximately 5 minutes to complete and you will then be given an overall stress score.

Simply enter your information to get started and click the ‘start quiz’ button below. Already taken the test? Come back later and find out if your stress levels have changed for better or worse!


Take the Stress Test

Recent Blog Posts

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Fatigue, Stress and Irritability

Fatigue, Stress and Irritability

    You should be able to feel refreshed and revitalised after a decent nights sleep, being able to work the whole day without agitation. After a long hard day at work it is natural to feel tired but in a pleasant way, especially if your job has high job...

Stressed Out Kids At School

The headline promises, ‘Michael Gove, Education Secretary, has raised the possibility of longer school hours and shorter holidays.’ “Hooray,” you would expect parents to yell, “no more kids getting under our feet,” but what about the kids?Has anyone asked how the kids...

If you are in need of help for your stress, get in touch!

If you are in need of some help for your stress call us on 0345 1300 286 or send us a message using our contact page. If you find that your stress is costing you too much in terms of your family, career and health, then perhaps it’s time you examine it by booking onto one of our programmes.
