
Healing Dialogues: Moving From I/You To We/Us
A two day workshop on conflict and communication with
Mike Fisher (UK) & Tiffany Stone (SA)
The success of relating between any two or more people is premised on the quality of their commun ication and how effectively each person’s needs are being expressed and heard by the other, allowing for true dialogue and the meeting of every individuals need to be truly seen and heard.
Conflict often occurs when we don’t get our needs expressed or heard clearly, or where we have created expectations which we don’t communicate clearly to our partners leaving us disappointed or frustrated. As much as conflict isn’t something that should be avoided at all costs as it is a valuable opportunity to hear perceptions as well as hear needs, it is something that can be managed so that conflict can become an opportunity for growth and understanding rather than something causing stress and distance.
In this two-day workshop we will be exploring four areas of a healthy relationship to bring greater confidence and awareness to our communication in our most valued conversations. Moving from seeing the statement “we have to talk…” as an ominous experience of fear and dread, to a welcomed opportunity for intimacy, clarity and value-creation.
The story of Jeff & Lucy:
Areas covered:
- Clear Communication: Listening, making certain you understand each other, clearly expressing feelings, no shame no blame, learning to connect through communicating clearly.
- Respect for each other’s needs: Recognising your own needs and meeting them so that you can meet another’s needs, prioritizing your needs to increase your self-esteem and reduce your stress.
- Validating each other’s experiences: Moving from Duality to embracing Zero Duality by not using words such as “should or shouldn’t”, “right or wrong”, “my fault-your fault”. Letting go of attachments.
- Taking Risks – stepping out of our comfort zones: Jumping the curve, stepping out of your comfort zone, taking ownership of your own behaviour, recognizing your part in conflict and letting go of expectations your and other.
What you will get:
- A personalized assessment of your conflict style and gaining understanding of how your conflict style affects your communication and approach, giving you more freedom for conscious choice;
- Calmer, healthier ways of dealing with stress and conflict;
- Greater understanding of self and other in communication;
- Increased empathy and compassion with self and others;
- Constructive solutions to manage conflict and disagreements with respect;
- Feel healthier, vibrant and more loving of ourselves and others;
- Discover solutions to dealing with challenges and diversity in relationships;
- Learn ways to express yourself in such a way that you can be both heard and understood.
Your facilitators:
Tiffany Stone is a relationship and partnership coach based in Cape Town. She works with both individuals and couples to unfold and discover the facets of the unknown and unspoken to reach greater understanding and compassion for self and other.
Mike Fisher, a UK based anger and stress management consultant and author of two books, Beating Anger and Mindfulness & The Art of Managing Anger. Originally trained in humanistic counselling, psychotherapy and group facilitation Mike uses his wealth of knowledge and over 25 years of experience in the field of human potential and personal growth to provide a wealth of solutions
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