This workshop is based on Mike Fisher’s latest book.
Click here to watch the video introduction to the day
There is a poignant story about two Buddhist monks who encounter each other many years after being released from prison where they had been tortured. The first one asks, “Have you forgiven our captors?” The second one replies, “I will never forgive them! Never!” The first replies, “Well then, I guess they still have you in prison?”
This one day introductory workshop is for people who are keen to learn how to use mindfulness practises to deal with stress, anger and anxiety.
Do you find it difficult to be present in your life, lack concentration, generally experience high levels of stress, anxiety and anger, constantly high jacked by strong emotions and overwhelming thoughts? Then this workshop might be beneficial in offering you a very pragmatic approach to making certain changes to improve the quality of your life.
What is Mindfulness Meditation?
The practice of mindfulness involves deliberately resting one’s attention on present moment sensations such as the breath. The practitioner assumes an awake yet relaxed posture in their body, and then places their attention on the breath. When one notices that the mind has drifted away from the object of meditation, attention is then again gently brought back to the object, in this case the breath. This practice, which is very simple, is also quite difficult, mostly because our minds are not trained to be present.
Instead we spend most of our waking hours in distraction and random, discursive thinking. Because we have never cultivated this ability of mind to simply be present, our ‘mindfulness muscle’ is weak, and we find we have little control over our thinking process. For thousands of years meditators from various traditions have known that by working with the simple technique of repeatedly bringing our attention back to the present moment, our ability to be fully present with our experience, both during formal meditation practice and in our everyday life, steadily increases. In recent decades extensive studies have confirmed this claim through the lens of scientific inquiry.
What you will learn in the brief time we spend together
- Simple Mindfulness practises that you can apply almost immediately
- Breathing techniques to reduce anxiety and stress immediately
- Letting go of attachments – Zero Duality Training
- Reducing stress in less than five minutes
- Embracing stillness
- Tuning in – a guide to different meditations
- Focusing on a daily practice
Some key benefits
- Reducing blood pressure
- Improves concentration and creativity
- Helps decrease anxiety and depression
- Increases self-esteem
- Results in a greater sense of well-being
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